I didn't care about the game, didn't watch it, don't care about the adverts, didn't watch them, heard some of them were pretty good, heard some of them were pretty awful, if you're one of those zany people who happens to think sexism, whether reducing women to sex objects or reducing men to drooling knuckleheads, isn't totes trenchant comedy fodder.
I also heard Christina Aguilera has been arrested for treason or something...? Well, at least she didn't scandalize the world by showing her boob.
Iain and I have an annual tradition of going on a movie date during the Superbowl, which is so much fun. The streets are like a ghost town, and the theater is virtually empty. It's like we're the only people in the world.
And that's basically my take on the Superbowl: Thanks for leaving the world to us for an afternoon!
My avoidance/indifference is not an implicit criticism of loving the game and/or the adverts; it does, however, leave me manifestly incapable of writing something insightful or even factually accurate about the whole event, lol. So have at it in comments.
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