[Trigger warning for sexual violence.]
"I consider the proposal of this bill a violent act against women. It really is—to suggest that there is some kind of rape that would be okay to force a woman to carry the resulting pregnancy to term, and abandon the principle that has been long held, an exception that has been settled for 30 years, is to me a violent act against women in and of itself."—Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), four-term member of Congress and vice chair of the Democratic National Committee, on H.R.3, the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act."
[Note: Although most people treat "women" and "people who can get pregnant" as synonymous terms, they are not. This is, in fact, a violent act against people who can get pregnant, and, in its redefinition of rape, a violent act against all survivors.]
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