Daily Dose of Cute

Matilda and I have another conversation about her rumor-mongering and conspiracy theories. I've warned her about reading the Drudge Report and listening to Fox News, but does she listen to me? No. Then she goes around talking nonsense all day.

[Transcript below.]
Liss: What is it, Matilda? What is it?

Matilda: Mew.

Liss: Really? Are you sure?

Matilda: Mah!

Liss: Okay. [edit] What, Matilda?

Matilda: Mrraw!

Liss: Seriously?

Matilda: Mrow!

Liss: I'm not sure if that's right. Are you, are you positive? Do you have a, a source for that material?

Matilda: Mrowah. Mah.

Liss: Well, I dunno. I think you're gonna need to back that up. That's a pretty outrageous claim.

Matilda: Mah!

Liss: If you say so.

Matilda: Mrow!

Liss: I dunno.

Matilda: Rrow! Oww!

Liss: I mean, I've heard that before, but I'm not sure that it's accurate. It might just be a rumor, is what I'm saying. You need to Snopes that shit!

Matilda: Mah!

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