Piers Morgan is a Man's Man, Man.

[Trigger warning for violence, homophobia]

There was a time when I confused the Cable News Network with some sort of gay ladies' tea party. [Hey! That gives me an idea...] That was before the release of CNN2: The Repiersing. (This Time it's Piersonal.):

[A screen capture of CNN.com, featuring teasers that "Piers Morgan can take a punch", and "Morgan makes famous people cry", along with a helpful reminder that Piers Morgan is CNN's newest talk show host.]

I don't get it. Am I supposed to trust Piers Morgan because he's a bully, or am I merely supposed to tune in for my one-and-only chance to see potentially violent hyper-masculinity?

As Liss pointed out, folks at CNN might be worried that Americans "won't be able to distinguish between 'British' and 'Big Fag'", hence the awesome new campaign.

Speaking of the word "awesome" and queer Brits, you know what I would pay money to see? Eddie Izzard interviewing a fucking squirrel. CNN? That would be, like, a hundred billion hot dogs of awesome.

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