Hip and Edgy and Shit

[Trigger warning for disablism and rape culture.]

"I Have PSD."
Photoshop dexterity (PSD) is a skillset acquired by proficient users of Adobe Photoshop, the world's most ubiquitous digital tool for creating visual ideas. Qualities of PSD include supernatural powers of imagination and an overwhelming desire to constantly make the world more beautiful. PSD affects people from different walks of life. In fact, there is a high probability that you have PSD.
Ha ha, hilarious marketing campaign, Hyperakt Design Group. A fake disease. The acronym for which sounds almost exactly like the one that affects trauma victims, like soldiers and rape survivors. I'm sure that's just a coincidence, though, and no one will make the connection.

I must confess. I have PSD. I got it one crazy night. She was beautiful. We were drunk. She looked deep into my eyes and, without even thinking, I was over all her buttons and she was making me swoon.

She was a PowerMac 8100, the first computer with a PowerPC RISC processor.
Ha ha, see it's funny, because he's a dude and she's a computer, and PSD isn't a real disease.

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