Are any of y'all good with mail merge?

[Trigger warning for transphobia]

Let's see if this works:

Dear Mr. Rick Guy,

Oh hi! I see that you are running for the position of New York State Assemblyperson from the 120th district. Good for you. It is self-sacrificing patriots such as yourself that make this country the rich and vibrant democracy it is, etc., etc.

I couldn't help but note your concern over transgender people in bathrooms. Don't make me tap the sign.

I have it on good authority that trans women are already using women's bathrooms in your district. Women like me, right after I finish this post. While I appreciate your concern about "men dressed as women" in women's bathrooms, that's a bunch of smelly boogers. In other words, I don't appreciate your concern trolling at all.

As to your point that your opponent should have been focusing exclusively on the economy, rather than also voting for GENDA, permit me to remind you that getting fired from your job because of who you are is an economic issue.

In closing, STFU already, you technicolor poopy.

Neither love nor votes,

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