This is a real thing in the world.

[Click to embiggen.]

The image is a screecap from a new site called "She's Hot, But" (to which I won't link, but you can find it easily if you're so inclined). The purpose of the site is to provide straight/bi men (and ostensibly women attracted to women, although suffice it to say I wouldn't expect to find many lesbians and bisexual women participating in such a wantonly woman-hating site) with an anonymous outlet for broadcasting the flaws of women they find hot.

The three examples in the screencap are: "She's hot, but her ass is flat as a pancake," "She's hot, but her breath smells like pure ass," and "She's hot, but she's a HAG (hairy arm girl)."

Many of the submissions are much more objectionable. Some of them include jokes about sexual violence. Some of them are transphobic; some are racist; some are homophobic; some are disablist; some are fat-hating. It's basically a clusterfucktastrophe of misogyny, in all its intersectional forms.

And CBS will almost certainly option it for a sitcom in no time.

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