
Maybe I od'd on estrogen this morning and am overly sensitive, but the Times has a yawn-worthy 5-way about the new sperm donor movie, to go along with their boring-ass review.

Here's my sarcastic synopsis of the heated throw-down:

NYT: Gays in the movies?

Dan Savage: Says some things that make sense to me (gasp!), works gay porn into the conversation (no gasp.)

Lady from The Daily Beast: There are so many lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender characters these days! Like on Modern Family! Yay! Problem Solved!

Family History Prof: Makes a good point on the lack of racial diversity in depictions of gays and lesbians. Like on Modern Family! People seem okay with homos, provided they have kids. This movie is about having kids. Kids, kids, kids.

Communications Prof: First there was Liberace, then Will and Grace, and now this. Yay! Problem solved!

New Republic Guy: First there was Will and Grace, and now this. Yay! Problem solved!

I'm tired of this shit. What strikes me about this "debate" is how militantly boring it is. There is zero passion. There apparently isn't a problem with media representation of gays and lesbians (or even bisexual and trans people). Or if there is one, it's no BFD, because it's being fixed, just like all those other problems with media representation of actual human beings.

The important thing is that we got through a heated debate without anyone saying anything. Yay! Discourse is fun!

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