Daily Dose o' Cute

Here's a special treat for the equestriphiles among us... This weekend, we were at the County Fair, because Dudley was being an ambassador for the greyhound rescue (more on that later), and I had to duck quickly into the big barn to visit the horses and cows and pigs, since, as I explained to Deeky (to his amusement), I pretty much love anything that smells of hay and poop, and have ever since I was a kid and touched the velvety muzzle of our neighbor's horse for the first time.*

Among the many beauties was this truly breathtaking horse (a blond Clydesdale, or Belgian draft horse, or possibly a cross), whose enormity isn't done justice in these images. I would have had Iain stand next to her for scale, but we had to take turns running in, since we had Dudz with us.

[Still pix below the fold.]



Yes, that's my wee diaper-sagged ass feeding carrots to Todie, a horse owned by neighbors. I was about thirteen months old in that photo, which was taken the summer of 1975. Mama Shakes and I used to walk down to the pasture, which was maybe 100 yards from our house, and it always seemed like the longest walk in the world, because I couldn't wait to see Todie, and his small companion pony Princess.

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