How Do You Say Congrats in Icelandic?

Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir and her partner, writer Jónina Leósdóttir, were married on Sunday, the day gay marriage became legal in Iceland. There was no ceremony, the couple simply applied to have the partnership they had registered in 2002 converted to a marriage under the new law. That law was passed without dissent by Iceland's parliament on June 11.

Jóhanna* became the first openly lesbian head of state on acceding to the position of Prime Minister in 2009. Now she is the first head of state to be married to a same-sex partner. All happiness to them.

*Wikipedia says the Prime Minister (when not referred to by title) is properly called "Jóhanna", not "Ms. Sigurðardottir", as the second name is a patronymic/matronymic and not a family name.


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