Away He Goes

I went to the dog park this weekend determined to get some decent still shots of Dudz doing his greyhound thing, not merely because I love the challenge of trying to photograph him in motion, but because a handful of Shakers have requested still shots of his running. So, armed with my trusty camera and steely resolve, I got a few decent snaps of a gleefully accommodating dog.

The pictures taken of him from the back really show the mechanics of his running. I absolutely love this picture of him mid-flight; one could almost imagine his feet were in the grass, were it not for the shadow beneath him.

Meanwhile, the pictures taken of him from the front and sides reveal the sheer love of running he has. He is a grin on four legs.

Below are two short slideshows (8 and 9 pix, respectively) of my best mechanical pix from the back and best überjoy pix from the front.

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