Birthers: The Gift That Keeps Giving

Hawaii is having to deal with so many requests for Obama's birth certificate that they're actually considering a bill that would let state officials ignore the pesky assholes. Following is a winning example of the asshattery known as the Birther movement:
"They usually say that by not giving out his birth certificate we're breaking the law," [Janice] Okubo said.

"But we would be breaking the law by giving out a birth certificate to someone who does not have a right to it."

When Okubo told one writer they did not have a right to Obama's birth certificate because they were not related to the president, the person wrote back saying they, indeed, had a common ancestor.

"They said they have a tangible right to his birth certificate because they're descended from Adam," Okubo said, referring to the biblical figure. "We told them they need to provide some type of legal documentation
Nice try, asshole. And I bet you probably think that W was always a Texan.

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