SYTYCD Open Thread

Another interesting night. None of the performances were bad (and several of them were incredibly good), and yet I really got bored with the show. Somewhere around the beginning of the second round of partnered performances, there needed to be a paso doble or a tango or a Doriana Sanchez disco number to get my blood pumping again.

The low point in the show was unquestionably the Dave Scott-choreographed vampire-devil (?!) hip-hop routine with which Ashleigh and Legacy got stuck. What a pile of cheesy rubbish.

Best of the night, on the other hand, was Ellenore's and Jakob's Sonya-choreographed contemporary piece, which I just adored (and which got a standing ovation from the judges to boot).

I can't imagine who I'd send home, and I don't know what to expect with regard to expulsions (which become singularly votes-driven this week). Even Nathan, whose personality I can't stand, had a good night (I will begrudgingly admit). I don't think Ashleigh had a real star moment last night, unfortunately, and I'm worried for her. I'm also hoping desperately that Ellenore and Jakob don't fall victim to the "they-were-so-good-everyone-else-will-vote-for-them" kiss of death, after that judges' standing O.

Kudos to Basil Rathboner for only making me vomit once with his commentary to Noelle about how she's so much sexier this week. I'm sure he said other objectionable stuff, too, but I tuned it out.

What'd you think?

[Thank you to Vance for the video.]

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