What The Hell? Halloween Edition

Deeks and sparkletoes

Misty, as a pear (not asparagus), 1985

Carleigh the Riveter

RachelB as a black widow spider

Silvas: The Death of Rats

FilthyGrandeur: King Rat

Temeraire as Christopher Molti-zombie

Orangelion03, the Gypsy/pirate

GoldFishy (right) and Apollo as SNL cheerleaders

sunflwrmoonbeam and child

Pmsrhino: Tank Girl

Lindsay as Lucille Ball

Jill (left) from Feministe as a viriginity pledger (and yes, she's posing with a pregnant Snow White)

Radelica = Medusa

Deeky (left), the Great Grape Ape, circa 1975

shadysexysadie as Hedwig!

Zombified laurenm and her father

The Lady Eve, ca. 1984

Skywind's son as Dr. Who (complete with sonic screwdriver)

Mama Shakes as... I dunno what

If you've an image of yourself all bedecked in a snazzy Halloween costume, email it to me at shakerwhatthehell_at_yahoo_dot_com. I'll add them to this thread. And please don't forget to include the name you comment under in your email.

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