Her prototype fridge, which does not need electricity, was designed for use in the developing world and was refined during a visit to Namibia.You can see an explanation of how it works here.
It works by harnessing energy from the sun to cool medicines and other small items using evaporation.
Ms Cummins, an inventor since the age of 15, said: "My time in Namibia made me wonder how often we miss the simplest solutions to problems."
Crediting her grandfather with setting her on the road to becoming an inventor, she said that it was sometimes easy to overcomplicate the invention process.
"We assume that the answer will require us to develop new and better technologies.
"Perhaps we should keep an eye on the past as well as the future, and combine the best of both."
The Barclays Women of the Year awards are given annually to "exceptional and selfless women who, with determination and vision, have made an impact on the lives of many."
Between this fridge, the ROSS, and Adaptive Eyewear, there are a lot of innovative solutions for problems in the developing world coming out of Britain these days.
I can't help but follow that thought with ...and we're still treating people in animal stalls because we can't sort out universal healtcare. Sob.
[H/T to Shaker SapphireCate.]
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