Question of the Day

It's a spooky Halloween QOTD! Booooo!

What used to scare the bejeezus out of you when you were a kid that seems completely innocuous now?

When I was a kid, I was terrified of this vintage skeleton Halloween decoration we would hang on the front door. Now I think it's awesome. (Sorry about the blurry photo; it was the only one I could find of this particular decoration.)

Nothing cartoony about that guy; it was just a HORRIBLE SKELETON COMING TO GET YOU AIIIEEE.

Non-Halloween related, I was also completely pants-wetting freaked by the Jester guy at the end of the "King of Eight" segment on Sesame Street. But the rest of it was so cool that I would sit there with my hand on the volume knob watching the segment. When I knew he was coming, I'd turn the volume down and look the other way until I knew he was gone.

And you?

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