
So there's this story on CNN about a small town in Georgia whose economic prospects were seriously grim until Kia announced it was going to open a plant there. Good news indeed. Or, at least it seems to be; I don't know Kia's reputation as an employer, but the people of West Point, Georgia seem pretty excited, anyway.

Someone was so happy, they put up a sign of gratitude on the side of the road:

[Text: Thank You Jesus for Bringing Kia to Our Town!]

Iain, who sent the story to me, comments: "Couldn't that sign also read 'Thanks, Jesus, for fucking over every other poor town in the whole wide world!'? I never understand this shit."

Nor do I. Like, I don't understand why the best way to show your appreciation to someone for helping you out is to disappear the agency of their decision and give the credit to Jesus, either.


This has been another episode of "Zuh?" from your resident damn, dirty, hell-destined atheists.

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