Daily Kitteh and Puppeh

My nephew's cat Tuna (a.k.a. The World's Softest Cat) watches my niece and me from the top of the swing set this morning.

My mother's spaniel Dougie (a.k.a. Sir Doug, Poet and Philosopher King) enjoys a quiet moment on TheLadyEve's bed.

Hi all. I am at my parents' place in Texas. My visit was supposed to be only a couple of weeks, but I had to extend it due to serious family issues that require lots of attention. My schedule should return to something resembling normalish, at least for a while, when I go home to Pittsburgh in a week.

In the meantime, we are enjoying the company of our animals here, so I thought I would share some of them with you. Dougie, in particular, is a great source of comfort in stressful times. He is pretty much entirely devoted to devotion.

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