Over at Shakes Manor...

...we're talking about this story, which Iain emailed to me yesterday with the note: "I think it's incredibly sad that this idea won a creative game development contest. The video game industry must be really bereft of ideas if this is the best they can come up with."

And to which I replied: "Sadder than the idea that actually won is the fact that the contest itself demanded that the entries adhere to the concept of losing one's virginity in the first place.

And, just based on what I know of gaming, especially any kind of sex-related gaming, I'm going to guess that women were suddenly able to win a male-dominated contest because many of the male-created entries were creepy as hell. I'm skeeved out just contemplating the possibilities.

Way to break down that stereotype of gamers being pathetic loser virgins, btw. And way to prove the industry STILL has no fucking clue how to attract more female gamers."

(Iain hadn't realized the "your first time" was the theme of the entire contest. When I pointed that out, he was even more disgusted, lol, and went on a very long and amusing rant about the state of the video game industry that I really wish I'd captured on tape.)


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