And then imagine my disappointment when I read further to find that it won't air in America.
[T]here is one thing she has never done: anchored her own daily news show.Of course. Because where, amidst all the reporting of important stories about how crimes against women and crimes against dogs are comparable, catcalling, marriage-ruining hussies, what sermons HRC hears, whether calling HRC a "white bitch" is appropriate, stay-at-home wives, biological determinism of the sexes, "hot teacher sex," all women being whores, Biblical views on women's inherent submissive role, disappearing the word rape, endless sensational stories about missing, raped, and/or dead (white) women, and 22 hours of day of scolding Britney-Paris-Lindsay for being dirty sluts under the guise of "celebrity news," could CNN possibly find the time to give an hour a day to a news show hosted by a woman who pretty much undermines everything they constantly suggest about women?
That will change next year, when she starts a nightly program on CNN International, which is retooling its lineup. An edited version of Ms. Amanpour's show is expected to be shown on the weekends on CNN's United States channel.
Fuck you, CNN.
Watch Christiane Amanpour being cool as fuck here.
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