Chicagoan Shaker Veronica, whom I met at the first ever Shaker meet-up (or at least the first one that wasn't just Spudsy and me hanging out, lol) and is truly a supercool woman, was recently interviewed by Chicago's WGN for a segment they were doing about "the B-word." She's got video and some commentary at her place, and more commentary at WIMN's Voices.
It's really tough to say exactly what you want to say at exactly the right moment, no less have your intent remain intact through the filter of editing—but Veronica, who's also an editorial contributor to Bitch magazine, did a good job of advocating the virtues of reclamation.
Anyway, check it out and then discuss.
For the record, there's certainly no requirement or expectation of agreement. There are feminists of good faith on both sides of the reclamation debate. I am pro-reclamation, as is Veronica—but you'll see that she draws the line at the c-word, for example, which I, of course, don't (to Shaker Constant Comment's everlasting chagrin). And there are feminists who would argue that bitch can be reclaimed as an insult, with which both Veronica and I disagree. And there are other feminists (including some Shakers) who aren't pro-reclamation at all, whose opinions I can totally dig and respect and who I'm grateful dig and respect mine in return.
[Related Reading: On "Bitch" and Other Misogynist Language.]
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