Obama Racism/Muslim/Unpatriotic/Scary Black Dude Watch, #97 - Follow Up

Remember this from last week...

...and how a Southern California Republican group used it as a fund raiser and then claimed they didn't know it was loaded with racially-tinged images?

It turns out the image was created as satire:
...the source of image came from Please God No, a satirical website that pokes fun at Republicans. "To have the very Republicans he mocks misunderstand the satire and go up in flames for his work leaves him bemused," writes Veronique de Turenne who dives into the website at LA Times' L.A. Now.

"It’s horrible and funny at the same time" the anonymous blogger told Turenne. "I feel bad for the poor lady who did this, but how stupid do you have to be not to see the racial aspects?"
Oh, I think we found out.

HT to Shaker RKMK.

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