Unleash the Cuteness!

[My apologies to those who aren't following the Sophie Saga and/or don't give a fuck about cats.]

Ms. Sophie Moon, who has been segregated for several weeks from big sisters Matilda and Olivia Twist, until she was old enough to be tested for feline leukemia and FIV, had a trip to the vet on Saturday and she was all clear—so she was out of solitary confinement and into the general population. Which meant it was time for Mad Cats: Beyond Thunderdome.


Livsy isn't actually half-Joker, half-cobra, although you wouldn't know it from that picture.

There was a lot of hissing going on at Shakes Manor this weekend:

…and Matilda was so pissed, that her eyes turned into lasers:

No, seriously. Frickin' lasers:

(I couldn't Photoshop something that cool if I tried!)

Camaraderie was facilitated by some well-played tuna:

(Even David and Goliath gots to eat, yo.)

Naturally, Tilsy had to have her own dish, outside the kitchen:

Mmm, tuna:

Tilsy could not be bought:

"I still hate you."

There was much stalking going on, although it was not always clear…

…who was stalking whom.

And there were occasional breaks from Thunderdome:

Playing video games with Daddy and Uncle Space Cowboy.

Napping with Mum.

This afternoon, Livsy and Sophs were totally playing with each other, sans hissing. Sophs would run after and jump on Livsy, and Livsy would turn and thump Sophs with her paw and knock her over. Then she'd turn and walk away, as if disgusted with the whole thing, prompting Sophs to run after her and get herself pummeled again.

And Tilsy just sat nearby, watching the whole scene and hissing if either one of them got near her, lol.

Generally, everyone seems pretty satisfied at this point that there's still food, water, and plenty of attention to go around.

"All this fuss for moi?"

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