Shaker JMonkey recommends a recent entry at the Boston Globe's photoblog "The Big Picture," which is a photo series of each of the two major party candidates as they grew up and started their political careers and families.
Shaker AbracaDeborah forwards the link to the newest pile of rubbish masquerading as journalism produced by Christina Hoff Sommers, hilariously titled Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man?
This is priceless: Shaker Oddjob passes on this story from the New York Times with the note: "Come the convention, the GOP doesn't know what to do about the War Criminal in Chief." Ha!
Shaker Beccaella sends this article "about workers at a Catholic charity in VA who aided a 16 year old get an abortion (yay parental consent laws, /snark) and are now being hammered by the diocese and the feds because of the Hyde amendment." I love the headline: "Catholic Aid for Abortion Creates Stir in Virginia." Why, we haven't seen a 'stir' like this since the mini-skirt came to town!
Shaker Bitty recommends this piece about Fox News getting busted for deliberately distorting the faces of writers for the New York Times.
And Shaker Maggie sends this image from Comcast's main page, asking: "Don't you think the so-called and parenthesis are a little ignorant and/or disrespectful?" Indeed I do.
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