More than a few commentors related their unconventional marriage stories in the Jay Leno Is A Douche thread earlier today. Here's mine:
It was a cool November evening as we walked down Hollywood Boulevard, T. sporadically holding my hand. We had walked from our hotel up to the corner of Hollywood and Vine, past the Pantages and the Frolic Room, then to Mann's Chinese and back. Along the way we stopped in at a place called the Hollyfood Bistro, ordered some beers and a couple gyros. About halfway through the meal, very matter-of-factly T. asked "Joey, will you marry me?" I smiled. "Of course." A short while later, somewhere near the Scientology Building, T. bought me a rose from a street vendor and that pretty much sealed the deal.
And that was that. From that point on we considered ourselves married. There was no legal option available to us, we couldn't go down to city hall, we couldn't run off to Vegas, but we both knew we were a committed, loving, married couple, even if the law did not.
So, married folks, committed folks, engaged folks, hopeless romantics, (hell, even now-divorced folks) here's your question of the day: What kind of ceremony did you have/do you want to have?
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