Michelle Obama Racism/Sexism Watch, Part 9

Please enjoy conservative talk show host Lars Larson, on MSNBC's Verdict with Dan Abrams, reinforcing the meme that Michelle Obama is unpatriotic; talking about how this country "gave her" an ivy league education and a lucrative "do-nothing job"; then scoffing unapologetically at the zany idea that she actually earned those things.

As Gina says over at Michelle Obama Watch, where I found this, "This time it is NOT Fox News!" And you know, that's what really gets me. I am so fucking tired of supposedly mainstream -- supposedly liberal, even, depending on whom you ask -- media outlets giving fucking yahoos like this airtime in the interest of "balance." Not that I expect much at all from MSNBC these days, mind you, but when you're doing a segment called "Can Michelle Obama overcome the right wing smear machine?" what the hell are you doing giving a proud member of the right wing smear machine equal time to further propagate those smears?

Michelle Obama Sexism/Racism Watch: Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight.

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