I Done Good—Where's My Sexual Gratification?

The irritating adverts in which straight men are rewarded with "treats" for doing basic tasks like cleaning up after themselves are bad enough in their promulgation of sexist stereotypes of both sexes—but even worse is the persistent cultural meme that straight men should be rewarded with women by doing "the right thing," whatever that "thing" happens to be, whether it's buying Axe deodorant or going green:
Just in case you needed another reason to care about the environment: It turns out girls dig guys who dig environmental technology.
And if that snippet isn't enough to make you vom, check out the presentation of the article:

Never mind about doing the right thing for your own personal satisfaction, or because decent people have a social conscience: Do it because you'll totally get laid, dood!!!

This kind of shit, treating women as a commodity that men purchase with good behavior, is why there are Nice GuysTM—men who think if they're nice to a woman, they're owed sex in return. They never learn how to just treat women well for the sake of treating women well, instead merely going through whatever motions of being a "nice guy" they think will get them sex, failing utterly to understand that conditional niceness isn't really very nice at all. (And that most women can spot the difference from a mile away.)

Worse yet, this shit reinforces to women that the only way they can show approbation to men is with sex; our intellect is so devalued that sex is considered more valuable by many straight men than hearing a woman tell him, "I'm proud of you."

That's all well and good, but I believe I was promised a blowjob.

Profoundly sad for both sexes.

[H/T to Shaker Asharpie1.]

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