
This week, Dorothy Snarker's Weekend Crush is on Cyndi Lauper. It's a beautiful post, and I'm not even going to quote it—just go read it.

Also, speaking of Cyndi: Did anyone else watch My Life on the D-List last night? By now, my love for Kathy Griffin has probably been well established and then some, as has my enormo Margaret Cho love, so when Kathy and Margaret hooked up in Sydney for their pride festival, I was bouncing in my seat with happiness. Then they walk into a store to find Cyndi Lauper ZOMG!

I turned to Iain and said, "If I had been in that room, with Kathy Griffin, Margaret Cho, and Cyndi Lauper, I would have exploded with joy on the spot!"

"I knoo," Iain said. "I was joost finking the same fing."

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