Peanuts not powerful after all

I never did watch the CBS apocaldrama Jericho, though lots of fans liked it enough to send in forty thousand pounds of peanuts in protest over the show’s cancellation. The network responded by bringing the program back, a heartwarming story that must seem utterly hollow now that CBS has turned around and canceled it again. Apparently the power of peanuts is no substitute for the nuclear force of viewership, something woefully lacking in the show’s second life. While this seems at first blush to validate the network’s earlier decicion to axe Jericho, you have to wonder what impact the strike-enforced absence had on potential viewership. Fans will no doubt find this unfair, but television is a lot like the sausage-making business: not always pretty.

I predict a brisk business for the DVD of those episodes that actually got made ; perhaps the unaired eps will find their way onto disc. Look also for a lot of fan fiction based in the Jerichoverse. And who knows - the big screen, one day, maybe? From all evidence, filmmakers are utterly desperate for ideas.


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