by Shaker TS

Our Chimp-in-Chief appeared on PBS's Nightly Business Report last evening (transcript and video here).

I wasn't aware that program was supposed to be a comedy.

Just two gems from this latest Bushie Treasure Chest of Stupidity and Denial:
"If you want me to say we're in a tough patch, having a tough time, it's bad -- times are rough -- I'll say all those three, because that's the truth."...(However, Bush) refused to declare a recession, "because there's a definition for the 'R' word, and we haven't reached the definition."
Tough times, Mr. President? What, did the Country Club raise its greens fees again? Please step outside the Beltway for just a moment and take a look around. When the dollar is at an all-time low, major banks are on the verge of collapse, gold, oil, gasoline and food are at all-time highs, and people are losing their homes and jobs at ever-increasing rates, it might be time to expand the narrow definition of 'the R word'.

Oh, and this one takes the cake:
Bush said he favored a strong dollar because a stronger dollar would reduce inflationary pressures, especially for energy.
And you hope to achieve this 'stronger dollar' by printing up 150 billion more of them so we can all get a $300 check? Sorry Mr. President, but you're confusing your military policy with your monetary policy. "Strength in numbers" doesn't work on a national scale with currency (but thank goodness it's working so well in Iraq... oh wait).

313 days remain. Still. Fucking. Clueless.

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