"I am doomed to remember a boy with a wrecked voice..."

You're A Prayer for Owen Meany!
by John Irving

Despite humble and perhaps literally small beginnings, you inspire faith
in almost everyone you know. You are an agent of higher powers, and you
manifest this fact in mysterious and loud ways. A sense of destiny pervades
your every waking moment, and you prepare with great detail for destiny fulfilled.
When you speak, IT SOUNDS LIKE THIS!

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

A Prayer for Owen Meany is one of my favorite books, so I like that I got this result. Although, to be honet, a sense of destiny does not, in fact, pervade my every waking moment, or any of my waking moments at all. Still, I'll take it. I am deeply fond of Owen, and I adore Johnny.

[Via BAC.]

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