Wait Your Turn

Oh fer fuck's sake, already -- I can't believe that I'm hearing all this "my turn" crap about the 2008 presidential race.

If you were ever in any doubt about the supremacy of White, Protestant Patriarchy in this culture, let's do a quick review, OK?
232 Years as a Nation
42 Presidents
42 White Presidents
42 White Male Presidents
42 White Male Christian Presidents
41 White Male Protestant Presidents
1 White Male Catholic President (who was assassinated in office)
46 Vice-Presidents
46 White Vice-Presidents
46 White Male Vice-Presidents
46 White Male Christian Vice-Presidents
46 White Male Protestant Vice-Presidents


Let me be perfectly clear.

I am not currently a Hillary Clinton supporter. I am also not currently a Barrack Obama supporter. In truth, I was leaning towards Edwards (until he pulled out the "big strong man who doesn't cry" card today), because I gave up on Kucinich when he said he was "thinking about" Ron Paul as VP.

However -- if anyone wants to talk about whose "turn" it might be to have a shot at the presidency, let's examine the stats:

If the US were really an "equal opportunity" nation, it's very likely that we would have had at least 21 female presidents, and 11 presidents who weren't white. (Don't even get me started on the 4.2 presidents who would have been queer.)

Hmmmm. How many non-white presidents so far? Oh -- that's right: Zero. How many female presidents so far? Oh . . . . that's right: Zero.

So any pundits out there who want to play the "They think it's their turn" card can just STFU and bite my shiny white hiney.

My turn? Her turn? Their turn?

The White-Cross Boy's Club [tm] has whizzed around the board without giving anyone else a turn for 232 years.

So don't you dare whine to me.

That is all.

(This rant brought to you by Outraged Woman, Inc., and One Pissed-Off Dyke International.)

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