Huckabee on SOTU

Apparently not satisfied that he has yet convinced America that he is too stupid to be president, Huckabee issued a response this morning to Bush's SOTU address, which contained the following passage:

And we must reaffirm Second Amendment rights, even as must redouble our efforts toward the protection of Life, from conception to natural death. To secure those vital freedoms, must work toward a judiciary that no longer legislates from the bench, but rather, interprets the Constitution and the law.
Back to the old "activist judges" chestnut, I see.

Let me, once again, allow my friend John Rogers to point out why the whole activist-judges/legislate-from-the-bench piffle is complete rubbish:

... when the Supreme Court struck down the bans against interracial marriage in 1968 through Virginia vs. Loving, SEVENTY-TWO PERCENT of Americans were against interracial marriage. As a matter of fact, approval of interracial marriage in the US didn't cross the positive threshold until – sweet God – 1991.
That, by the way, is exactly 30 years after a gentleman by the name of Barack Obama, who might well become the next president of our nation, was born to a white mother and a black father.

This country is not well-served by leaving the civil rights of the minority in the hands of the majority. Putting that up to a vote which is subject to deeply held prejudice is ruling not by democracy, but by mob mentality.

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