Question of the Day

What pop song has the creepiest lyrics?

This question comes from a conversation Petulant and I were having earlier. He'd noticed that the song lyrics to "Baby, It's Cold Outside" are like an ode to a date rape, and I sent him the lyrics to "Young Girl" by Gary Puckett and the Union Gap, which is totally the creepiest date/statutory rape song of all time:

Young girl, get out of my mind / My love for you is way out of line / Better run, girl / You're much too young, girl / With all the charms of a woman / You've kept the secret of your youth / You led me to believe /You're old enough /To give me Love / And now it hurts to know the truth, oh / Beneath your perfume and make-up / You're just a baby in disguise / And though you know / That it is wrong to be / Alone with me / That come on look is in your eyes, oh / So hurry home to your mama / I'm sure she wonders where you are / Get out of here / Before I have the time / To change my mind / 'Cause I'm afraid we'll go too far, oh / Young girl…


Runner-Up: The Police's "Every Breath You Take," aka The Stalker Anthem.

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