Via Tigtog, who's going mad for Cake or Death (classic), but I've got to go with Death Star Canteen, which is just one of my favorite comedy bits of all time.
[Transcript here.]
Part of the reason that I love Death Star Canteen so much is because Eddie did the Circle material in Britain first, so my Londoner Andy saw it live before I did, and he tried to recreate it for me after the show. I can still remember that conversation to this day; I was laughing so hard that my whole body went weak and I could barely maintain my grip on the phone.
Then, when I saw the show live, I was waiting and waiting for this bit—and when he launched into it, I could hear Andy saying it, too, which just made it even funnier. And later, when I recounted to him how I was in stitches remembering his version while listening to Eddie, it sent us both into fits of laughter, so now when I see it, I recall that, too. It just keeps getting funnier and funnier for me, with every new layer.
And now—Legos! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
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