Maybe even asshole of the month…

A bitch read this shit about Damon Wayons over at Slant Truth 2.0 and…well, it made my Afro hurt.

Damon was on The View defending Don Imus and his comments about “nappy headed ho’s”, which he has the right to do. He’s a complete dumb ass, but a bitch will defend his right to be verbally ig’nant in this great country of ours.

Color me patriotic (wink).

But then Damon took it a step further…“Black people at home are laughing right now,” he said. “White people are going, ‘That’s not right!’ It’s all cultural.”


Hold on and wait one damn minute, you single because your mother never raised your ignorant ass to respect a sister instead of expect a sister to stay quiet and fix you dinner dumb ass motherfucker!

Speak for thyself...if you must, oh foolish throwback to a less enlightened time.

But this bitch is with Kevin aka The Thin Black Duke on this…leave the whole of blackness out of that stupid ass shit.

And once more with feeling...Damon, m'dear YOU JUST SAID SOME STUPID SHIT!

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