Black and Missing...

I make a point to visit Black and Missing, a site which seeks to bring attention to the cases of missing people of color, at least once a week. It is a weekly dive into one of my worst nightmares…to have someone I know who is a woman of color go missing in this country.

Even after an attempt at self analysis and sorta-correction, the mainstream media continues to not cover missing person’s cases when the person missing is black. I’ve watched story after story of a certain police officer and his missing wife followed by story after story speculating about the cause of death for his previous wife and I struggle to not resent them. There are elements of the story that are beyond newsworthy. But I have to question, had the police officer and his wife been black, what are the odds that we would know their story? Shit, we probably wouldn’t have even heard their name.

I can’t help but wonder if decades of consuming their own product haven’t resulted in the media buying the notion that black people being the victims of crime isn’t news because black people are the acceptable victims of crime.

We are not throw away people and our missing are worthy of concern, but Google Angie Tucker and then Google Stacy Peterson.


Please visit Black and Missing where there is a profile of Angie Tucker and too many others.

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