Prepare The Pink Slip!

Bush's scientific advisor, John Marburger, has had an epiphany that's sure to directly affect his job security:
Professor John Marburger, who advises President Bush, said it was more than 90% certain that greenhouse gas emissions from mankind are to blame.
I think it's at least 90% certain that the scream machine, headed by the Senate's resident piss-ant, Inhofe, will want to call for Marburger's head on a platter, since we know how much Inhofe loves him some global warming talk.
There may still be some members of the White House team who are not completely convinced about climate change - but it is clear that the science advisor to the President and director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy is not one of them.
Quite a line drawn in the sand, don't you think? I guess it's more dramatic than just simply retiring and calling it a day.

Either no one will give a shit what he says, or they'll fully embrace him for PR purposes to make it look like the administration just came up with the idea.

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