New Rule

Bill Maher has been increasingly difficult for me to watch lately—he's almost compulsively misogynistic and homophobic these days, as if to say "Fuck you for trying to make me PC," having lost all sense of the very real divide between "politically incorrect" and "just an asshole"—but last Friday's New Rules rant was spot-on. And he managed to do it without using any rape metaphors or describing conservatives doing something "in a gay way." Imagine that. At some point I hope he can realize that being funny and edgy, without ever resorting to fat jokes and tranny quips and protracted analogies like how the Bush administration reminds him of fucking an ugly woman, is not only possible, but actually a genuine accomplishment. Comedy's hard enough when you don't avoid the easy laughs. Those who accept and meet that challenge are The Real Thing.

Anyway, here's the video (and here's the transcript). "New Rule: Traitors don't get to question my patriotism."

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