The opening paragraphs of this article are just brilliant:
Republican presidential hopeful John McCain is back in New Hampshire and back embracing straight talk. And talk. And talk. And talk.LOL! The article then goes on to recount how he—twice—said Republicans "lost the war" when he meant "lost the election," how he recently made a buffoon of himself on the Straight Talk Express not knowing what the hell his position is, how he's flip-flopped on lots of stuff, like Jerry Falwell being an "agent of intolerance," etc. etc. etc., and how all of it makes his staff "insane."
Aboard his campaign bus, the Arizona senator entertains reporters with stories, answers their questions and heckles bloggers. He's by far the most accessible of the candidates, Republican or Democratic. But McCain acknowledges there's a risk to full days on the record, without breaks to vent, decompress or even eat in private.
"I hope there's a statute of limitations on saying stupid things," McCain said on his bus last weekend between stops in Nashua and Milford.
There isn't.
Honestly, McLame's spectacular fall from grace could only be more awesome if it weren't Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney fighting over filling the frontrunner void.
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