[Bush] spent hours Tuesday practicing in front of cameras, preparing to make his case for increasing the U.S. military commitment in Iraq in a prime-time address to the nation at 9 tonight.
"White House aides acknowledge the president faces a skeptical audience," but since there's No Such Thing as bad news for the Bush administration, "experts say Bush is protected by the upside of low approval ratings."
"His popularity is pretty low now," said presidential historian John Geer of Vanderbilt University. "It's not likely to go a lot lower."Yeah, well, that's what I thought back in May.
Now Frist and Hastert wouldn't even make it on the poster,
and Rumsfeld's a done tom turkey.
Just so you know, I'm totally not liveblogging that shit tonight. I've got better things to do...like, uh, cut mats out of Matilda's fuzz and, uh, laundry, and, uh, sit and stare at the wall.
(H/T Maru.)
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