
I have only one question for Eric Boehlert (or whomever wrote the headline for his excellent piece). When, exactly, did Michelle Malkin have any credibility? That's not to say she hasn't been a highly successful shill, professional racist, and conservative It Girl, but she's never had any credibility with, uh, people who themselves have credibility.

Perhaps this seems like a pointless exercise in pedantry, but I quite loathe conferring on people like Malkin the presumption of a lost credibility when we should be pointing out she never had any in the first place. John McCain has lost his credibility. Malkin never earned the reputation she lost, but was handed disproportionate attention by conservatives because she's a useful tool—and has since done nothing but increasingly underline her own manifest unfitness as a public intellectual. That's not a loss of genuine credibility. That's just pulling back the curtain.

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