The small anti-tank missile narrowly missed the large blue-and-white U.S. seal on the embassy's facade and pierced the building above the front entrance shortly before 6 a.m. It damaged a bathroom on the third floor near the ambassador's office and shattered windows in nearby buildings.Greek officials are suggesting it's the work of a domestic terrorist group comprised of "far-left Greek militants." Greece has a history with such groups, but none have been active there in a decade. Assuming this was a leftist Greek group, I don't think it's hard to understand why they would, of all places, attack the US Embassy—and separatism ain't it.
…The 2.36-inch rocket, which police said was a weapon probably fired from a Russian-made launcher, struck a large marble beam on the third floor of the embassy, just above and to the left of the seal. It shattered a window and landed near some toilets.
The Pentagon has received a report on the attack but no request for any action, a military official said in Washington. There is no reason to believe that it was al-Qaida-related, but rather involves a separatist group, said the official, who is not authorized to speak on the subject and requested anonymity.
Assuming this was al-Qaeda, we will be told nonetheless that it was Greek leftists.
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