The blogs are not as significant as their self-endeared curators would like to think.So then, the Blob is comprised of fools and imbeciles congregating around poorly constructed and uninteresting outposts of little significance. Hardly worthy, it would seem, of the Wall Street Journal's assistant editorial features editor dedicating 1,000 words to it. But maybe it was important to clarify for significant and serious people outside the Blob how balmy the Blob and all its people are. Well, done and dusted. Now I expect we Blobbians will be left in peace to our silly pursuits, without the providers of information to significant and serious people commenting on our mad, mad, mad, mad Blob again.
…The larger problem with blogs, it seems to me, is quality. Most of them are pretty awful. Many, even some with large followings, are downright appalling.
…Because political blogs are predictable, they are excruciatingly boring.
Until next week.
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