What is your favorite pasta and/or sauce recipe?
I cook all my sauces from scratch, because neither Mr. Shakes nor I particularly care for very salty things and most jarred sauces are terribly salty. I'd love to be able to post one of my sauce recipes, but unfortunately I cook by instinct and don't ever measure anything, so it would just be a list of ingredients with portion descriptions like "lots" and "a good shaking" and "bunches." I'm great at showing people how to recreate my dishes, though!
My favorite pasta dish that I make is pasta tossed with prawns in an avocado cream sauce in which I use beautiful smooshily-ripe avocados and fresh asiago cheese. Yummy. Tres yummy.
[No round-up today, sorry. I've been running all over town for the last couple of hours, and now it's time for dinner... I'll get back to it tomorrow.]
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