Hello, Shakers.
I'm sure you've seen Shakes' post below. I know you're all as grateful as I am that Mr. Shakes is doing fine.
I know this is an expensive time of year, and we're all strapped. But if you could find it possible to throw a little scratch their way to help them out in their time of need, it would be a wonderful War on Christmas gift for Shakes Manor.
If you scroll down on the right, there's a little Amazon tip jar where you can send a donation directly to them. I know Melissa would never ask for help on her own, so I'm stepping right over her to do it myself! I'm evil! Evil, I say!
Thanks for any help you can give, folks.
SHAKES: Just sneaking into Paul's post to say thank you, especially to those people who have already generously dropped something into the tip jar. I promise if there's any left over, I'll use it for a good cause...like sending 100 clowns to Paul's house in the dead of night to tickle his tender parts with balloon animals.
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