
This is a flyer being distributed by the New York State Republican Party:

Via Sully, who says: “The Democrats, in other words, want to let a darker-skinned man rape your white wife. You know what? I just found out nothing about Democratic values. But I learned a hell of a lot more about Republican ones.” Indeed. Which just further demonstrates by oft-repeated refrain that Republican values deserve to be destroyed, and why they ought to shove their “protect our values” codswallop right up their stupid poop chutes.

And, btw, while I pity anyone so deeply dim-witted as to react in any way to this flyer aside from laughing bitterly and tossing it in the rubbish heap, I pity the rest of us even more, whose future is predicated on convincing the imbeciles whose lizard brains respond to this shit to vote against the people most likely to have earned their alliance by virtue of regularly exploiting their ignorance.

(Thanks to Oddjob for the pointer.)

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