No One Should Have Access to Anything!

It's that time of the year, Shakers... the leaves are changing, there's a chill in the air... the mold count is sky high, making my fellow allergy sufferers miserable... grocery stores suddenly are buried in pumpkins, and the Fundies are banning everything in sight!

GA Mother Seeks Harry Potter Ban

At first, I read it as Harry Potter Band, and I thought, "Awesome! Hagrid and the Angry Inch!"
ATLANTA - A suburban county that sparked a public outcry when its libraries temporarily eliminated funding for Spanish-language fiction is now being asked to ban Harry Potter books from its schools.

Laura Mallory, a mother of four, told a hearing officer for the Gwinnett County Board of Education on Tuesday that the popular fiction series is an "evil" attempt to indoctrinate children in the Wicca religion.

Board of Education attorney Victoria Sweeny said that if schools were to remove all books containing reference to witches, they would have to ban "Macbeth" and "Cinderella."
Blah, blah, fucking blah. You've heard it all before. It's not enough that their kids aren't exposed to eeeeevil witches, no, everyone has to conform to their narrow-minded idea of what should and should not be read by children. I feel like I keep writing the same post every time something like this pops up in the news. Why do they feel the need to impose their values on others, separation of church and state, yadda, yadda, yadda. Someone should just create a template post that blogs could cut and paste when one of these Fundies get bunchy panties. And just to give you an idea of the mindset of these people:
In June, the county's library board eliminated the $3,000 that had been set aside to buy Spanish-language fiction in the coming fiscal year. One board member said the move came after some residents objected to using taxpayer dollars to entertain readers who might be illegal immigrants.

And, of course, as October 31st quickly approaches, I'm sure we can expect to start seeing the "Halloween banned from schools" stories. Steel yourself now.

After all, as soon as Halloween is over, it's "War on Christmas" season!

(Grim grinning cross-posts come out to socialize...)

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