More Scandal for Macaca Man

The problems just keep piling up for Mr. Macaca. He uses racist epithets, he's a Jew, he shoves severed deer heads in black people's mailboxes...and he's a big stinking liar.

When news of undisclosed stock options broke yesterday, Sen. George Allen (R-VA) told the AP, "I got paid in stock options which were worthless."

However, according to SEC documents reviewed by Bloomberg, the stock options Allen "described as worthless were worth as much as $1.1 million at one point."
Oops. What else could go wrong for the long-suffering Virginian?!

Meanwhile, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reports the national Democratic party is placing nearly $1 million in television advertising for challenger Jim Webb (D), opening with a commercial spotlighting Allen's "macaca moment."

(Crossposted at AlterNet PEEK.)

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