Missouri's agony continues: In the wake of the shooting incident in Joplin, Governor Matt Blunt suggests that the solution to the problem of school safety is to arm the teachers.
Gov. Matt Blunt, who was in Joplin on Monday for a meeting, said that because of the recent spate of school violence, it would be worth considering proposals from lawmakers to allow teachers to carry firearms in schools. "It's an interesting idea worth discussing," Blunt said.
Yes, interesting...in much the same way that already-overburdened instructors, insurance nightmares, and potential lawsuits are "interesting." As usual, Blunt spokesman Spence Jackson hastened to clarify Blunt's shoot-from-the-hip proposal:
Later, the governor's spokesman, Spence Jackson, said Blunt knows of no specific proposal to arm teachers in Missouri. The governor considers it an idea worth exploring, "but it ought to be restricted to a qualified person, such as an ex-military officer or an ex-police officer," Jackson said.Blunt "wasn't in any way suggesting that we should arm all teachers," Jackson added.
Really? Sure sounded that way on TV last night. Anyway, thanks for the clarification, Spence.
Ex-Army Rangers and Green Berets with degrees in primary education are encouraged to contact the governor's office to submit their applications for employment.
In the meantime, the Educator-in-Chief has convened a summit on school violence and safety. Just don't expect any actual policies to come out of the meeting. Here's an "interesting" note from the WaPo piece, though:
The Bush administration has recommended cutting $347 million in school-safety grants for states this year, calling the programs ineffective.
Have a good day at school, Johnny.
(Cross-fire...er, cross-posted.)
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